Tuesday 27 August 2013

Just Help…

Everyone has seen the help chain video...if not this is the YouTube link…

How amazing is that video…. I mean after seeing the video for the first time…each one of us might have felt … “wow!I wish that was real”…or “if I would be there I would do the same…”

But in reality…when there is a helping hand required where do we vanish off? how many opportunities have you come across each day…where u have a chance to help somebody?…and how many  times have you really helped the needy..

Am not asking for a tremendous donation or to sacrifice your livelihood and start helping people…

But just saying to bring a smile to at least a person a day…

Just Help…

Help before they ask for…

Help not in pity but with respect….


Happiness is not an element that can be bought…but it is something which can be brought .

People say “ save environment” …you can save environment by helping the environmentalist…you don’t need to go and contact one... just avoid plastic bags,use public transport….etc.

If you a travelling by a bus…fully charged up…just give up your seat for a man carrying a heavy bag  or a lady traveling with a kid…

Walking on a road if u find a police man doing his duty ,just go a say “thank you“, it will make his day…  

Instead of sitting inside the car…help the traffic police man to clear of the traffic…

Believe me,the smile on the face of people you will never forget...!!

Please visit this website….and read their motto...get easy tips on how to help people daily and easily…
Coz we are here to help !!!!!

Be Kind To Others, It Will Pay Off


 *inspired by Ratandeep Singh Dhody

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